Allergies are caused by your body’s reaction to common irritants such as pollen or pet dander as well as some foods. When these allergens enter your body it produces needless antibodies and makes you feel unwell.
As one of the leading experts in allergy diagnosis and care in Pasadena, CA, Dr. Farnam can help you breathe easier by first identifying which allergens are the root cause of the problem through allergy testing, and then developing a personalized treatment plan to manage the allergies to bring much-needed relief.
Allergies are caused by your body’s reaction to common irritants such as pollen or pet dander as well as some foods. When these allergens enter your body it produces needless antibodies and makes you feel unwell.
As one of the leading experts in allergy diagnosis and care in Pasadena, CA, Dr. Farnam can help you breathe easier by first identifying which allergens are the root cause of the problem through allergy testing, and then developing a personalized treatment plan to manage the allergies to bring much-needed relief.

What are the Most Common Allergies?
There are many types of allergies. Some allergies affect us only seasonally and others are year-round. And whereas allergies might develop later in life, it is also possible to suffer a lifelong sensitivity to specific allergens. Allergies can be merely irritating, but certain food allergies can be deadly if not diagnosed and treated. The most common allergies occur when we come into contact with airborne allergens. Common, everyday allergies include adverse reactions to pollen, pet, insect, and mold.
What is Allergic Rhinitis?
Commonly known as hay fever, allergic rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal passages that can cause a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, or red, itchy, and watery eyes. It is a common affliction, affecting as many as one third of adults and children in the United States. People who suffer from hay fever are reacting to common airborne irritants from plants, trees, weeds, animals, and house dust. Allergic rhinitis is especially common during springtime when plants and flowers are blooming, emitting pollen into the air.

What is Allergic Conjunctivitis?
Allergic conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, the membrane that covers the front of the eye, caused by an allergic reaction to common airborne allergens such as pollen, dust, or mold. Patients will experience itchy eyes, eye redness, or eye swelling.
What are Food Allergies?
If not properly identified and treated, food allergies can potentially be fatal. The most common food allergies include peanuts, shellfish, tree nuts, wheat, corn, soy, and cow’s milk. Those with food allergies must carefully monitor their dietary habits to avoid those foods they are allergic to, especially if those foods may be life-threatening. For example, children with a peanut allergy cannot be exposed to even a trace amount of peanuts, such as its dust, to avoid a potentially fatal reaction. Food allergies are often confused with simple intolerances, such as lactose intolerance that causes bloating or stomach pain when drinking milk. But people who are allergic to milk suffer wheezing, vomiting, hives and severe digestive problems. Determining the difference between an allergy and an intolerance may be the difference between life and death.